The Teacher Liaison (TL) is a classroom teacher with at least 2 years of teaching experience, who is ready to have an impact beyond their classroom. They are seeking professional development in order to lead a team of their colleagues (The Impact Team). The TL & administrator will establish the vision and SMART goals for their Impact Team. With the help of their TST Coach, the TL will work over the course of the year to address the identified need and foster a strong staff culture. The TL is a culture-focused team player with a growth mindset who is interested in learning about leadership best practices and is committed to building equity in our education system.
A team of at least 4 full-time school faculty will enact lasting change for
students and their school. Led by the TL, this team will meet twice a month to
address a need within their school. (e.g. teacher mentorship, grade-level or
department instructional alignment, climate/culture initiatives, teacher-led
professional development etc). Through utilizing the TST Project Cycle, and data-driven practices, the Impact Team will work to collectively help meet
school-wide improvement goals.